
Crimp vs Swaged: What's the Difference


Regardless of the application the hose is used for, crimping and swaging are critical processes for hose assemblies. In order to fully secure and secure industrial hoses, it is necessary to understand the basic differences between crimping and swaging.



Crimping is a method of joining two metals together, usually done with a hand-held tool.

Hose crimpers are used to connect deformable metal fittings with flexible hoses.

The crimping process can be done with powered and non-powered tools, from simple hand-held devices to stand-alone machines designed for precision and high-volume operation.

To make the connection, the crimper applies force to the outer diameter (OD) with 360° of contact. Typically, this compression is only applied once or a few times at most, using a rotating die to prevent bending.

Ultimately, this process changes the entire length and shape of the circumference. Since compression occurs simultaneously, more force is required to reduce the ferrule

In crimping, two metals or metal and plastic are pressed together by a single compressive force. The compressed area is deformed by the turf, so it is no longer cylindrical.

For example, crimping is used in the electrical industry to keep wires organized and to fuse wires together. An electrician will use a crimping tool to crimp fittings on wires to connect them to another wiring assembly or other wire.

Use crimps when weight requirements are not an issue.



Swaging is a metal forming method that requires application-specific machinery for both small and large assembly applications.

Forging involves hammering in rapid succession to form and reduce the diameter of the metal.

Generally, it modifies wire or bar; in the hose industry, swaging involves slowly pushing the hose and its fittings through a set of fixed dies.

Die opening and closing rapidly reduces the diameter of the ferrule while compressing the hose into the stem serrations, ultimately changing the form of the fitting, permanently attaching it to the hose

When swaging is used in assembly applications, two pieces of metal are compressed by such a force that they join and substantially join together.

Swaged is used to make wire rope because the swaged cable can lift and hold thousands of pounds after fittings are applied. Ensure that the assembled product has a strong pulling force.


Key questions to address when choosing a process

For either process, the key questions are:

  • Which process is best for the application?

  • What is the applied medium?

  • What is the working pressure limit?

  • What is the temperature range?

  • What is the connector type?

Swaging is the addition or reduction of the diameter of the tube along a portion of its length. This is usually a cold working process.

Crimping is the reduction of the diameter of a pipe so that it can snap onto another pipe—secured by deformation of the secondary pipe. Usually a crimping machine is used.

Although crimpers are expensive, they are automation friendly and can be integrated into any automated production line, making them a more efficient option and are often sought after for industrial hose; swaging, on the other hand, must be done manually operate.


Read More:

How to choose a manufacturer of hydraulic hose fittings

Crimping Machine for Sale

Stainless Steel Tube Compression Fitting

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