
How to Choose an Industrial Hose Manufacturer


Industrial hoses and industrial hose assemblies have a life span according to the working environment in which it is located. When the working environment of the industrial hose assembly is worse than the recommended conditions, it will shorten its service life. Multiple conditions at the same time in the recommended value near (that is, long-term work in the maximum allowable working pressure, the highest working temperature, the minimum bending radius of the case) will also shorten the service life.

So, how exactly do we choose industrial hose manufacturer?


14 factors that must be considered when choosing industrial hoses.

  1. Industrial hose size

    Hydraulic system for maximum efficiency, when the fluid flow through a variety of different tubes, requiring a minimum of pressure loss.

    When the fluid flow through the tube will generate heat due to friction, this part of the heat in the form of heat energy is lost, which will lead to pressure loss. The pressure loss depends on:

    1. Flow rate (for a fixed volume of fluid, when the flow area becomes smaller the flow rate increases, and vice versa.
    2. The length of the fluid flowing through
    3. The viscosity of the fluid
    4. The density of the fluid
    5. Type of flow (laminar or turbulent flow)
  2. Pressure

    Each industrial hose has a recommended maximum working pressure, after the system pressure of the hydraulic system is determined, the maximum working pressure of the selected industrial hose must be equal to or greater than the system pressure. Must consider the peak pressure beyond the maximum working pressure, it will affect the life of the system components (including industrial hose assembly), industrial hose for the suction circuit must ensure that the negative pressure in the system is not sucked flat.

  3. Temperature

    Must ensure that the working fluid temperature and ambient temperature do not exceed the allowable temperature range of the industrial hose. When the line of industrial hose is close to molten metal and other heat sources, special attention should be paid to take appropriate measures to protect.

  4. Fluid compatibility

    Industrial hose selection must consider the use of fluids and industrial hose inner layer, outer rubber layer, reinforcement layer, the compatibility of the joint. Some fluids to use special industrial hose, some fluids simply can not use industrial hose.

  5. Permeability

    When industrial hose is used for gases, liquefied or gas, refrigerants (such as helium, fuel oil, natural gas and Freon), the gas will permeate from the inside of the industrial hose to the outside. Permeation may produce high concentrations of flammable, explosive, toxic gases, loss of fluids, etc. Therefore some although media compatibility is appropriate, permeability must also be considered.

    Water and gas may infiltrate from the outside of the industrial hose into the tube. If the infiltration of water and gas is harmful to the system (such as refrigerants and air conditioning systems), the system should be used in conjunction with a device with sufficient drying capacity, or other suitable saturation device.

  6. Piping arrangement

    To prevent failure of the industrial hose, the most suitable route must be arranged. If necessary, fixed with hose clamps to protect and guide the industrial hose, so that it reduces the contact and erosion due to excessive bending, moving or missing with other movements, to determine the reasonable length and structure of the industrial hose, so that the line arrangement is smooth and reasonable.

  7. Environment

    Must ensure that industrial hoses and fittings and the environmental conditions in which they are compatible, environmental conditions including ultraviolet light, heat, ozone, moisture, water, salt water, chemicals, polluted air, etc., which may lead to industrial hose performance degradation or cause early failure.

  8. Mechanical load

    External forces can significantly reduce the service life of industrial hoses. Including excessive bending, twisting, twisting, pulling sound, side pressure, bending radius, vibration and other mechanical loads must be considered. The use of steerable couplings can ensure that industrial hoses are not subjected to twisting forces. Special purpose industrial hoses require experiments when selecting industrial hoses.

  9. Wear and tear

    Industrial hose itself has a certain degree of anti-abrasion, but there is strong friction to take the necessary measures to protect the industrial hose, otherwise it will cause damage and cut through the outer rubber layer of industrial hose. Exposure of the reinforcement layer will significantly accelerate the failure of the industrial hose.

  10. Length

    Determine the length of the industrial hose to consider the movement of the components, the variation of the length of the industrial hose under pressure, the industrial hose tolerance and the tolerance of the machine.

  11. Specifications and standards

    When selecting industrial hoses and couplings, national standards, industry standards and specifications and recommended products provided by the manufacturer must be considered.

  12. Cleanliness of industrial hoses

    Industrial hose assemblies must be guaranteed a certain level of cleanliness. It must be ensured that the cleanliness of the assembled assembly meets the requirements of the application system.

  13. Welding

    Fatal gases can be generated when the temperature exceeds 232°C when the joint is welded.

  14. Electrical conductivity

    Industrial hoses are usually required to be insulating, but in some cases they are required to be well conductive in order to discharge static electricity. When considering electrical conductivity or insulation, special attention must be paid to: when industrial hoses are required to have good insulation (such as in the vicinity of high-voltage lines), it is necessary to choose an insulated industrial hose. Industrial hoses and fittings of electrical conductivity or insulation by many factors to determine. These factors include: industrial hose and fittings of the material, manufacturing process (including temperature control), industrial hose and fittings of the connection method, industrial hose use time, the degree of aging, a specific period of industrial hose moisture, etc..


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Important tips for choosing an industrial hose manufacturer

  • Can they make your product?

    This may seem like a good question, but it is an important one. Not all industrial hose manufacturers can produce all types of industrial hoses. For example, high-pressure industrial hoses often require special processes and materials. You need to make sure that the manufacturer you choose can produce the industrial hose products you want. Better yet, you should try using a manufacturer that specializes in the industrial hose you need. 

  • Can they provide product samples?

    Try before you buy. If you have a manufacturer that produces industrial hoses for your business, you need to make sure that you can get a sample before submitting a large order. This is important because if something goes wrong, you can make adjustments until it's right. Imagine ordering hundreds of industrial hoses only to find they don't fit your machine or don't match your local market specifications.

    The easiest way to do this is to mention it early in the communication. Most manufacturers are more than happy to provide samples, usually for a small fee, but you can get them to commit from the start.

  • What are their fees and shipping costs?

    In the excitement and rush of bringing your industrial hose business to life, it's easy to overlook basic due diligence. Just ask the manufacturer in a line or two of an email if there are any additional fees you should know about, as well as their shipping costs and times.

    This is very important information to help you decide whether to work with that manufacturer, so make sure you address it early.

  • What is their production capacity?

    You may not consider this until your business is thriving. Can you rely on your manufacturer to produce industrial hose faster and at greater capacity? That's why you should ask your supplier about their production capacity. Make sure they have the capacity to make improvements when needed. Also ask about turnaround time or lead time, which means how long it will take for the manufacturer to fulfill your order. You don't want to wait weeks or months for an order, missing out on potential customers and sales in the process.

  • What are their quality standards?

    You can do your own research by reading manufacturer reviews online, visiting factories (if possible) and ordering samples. Remember that the quality of industrial hoses determines your reputation, so you want to make sure that the manufacturer produces them to a high standard. You're better off paying a slightly higher price for higher quality goods than risking your reputation to save a few dollars.

  • Industrial hose manufacturers technical support

    Typically, manufacturers of industrial hoses and hydraulic fittings offer regular testing support and warranties. Industrial hose assemblies are assembled according to the manufacturer's specifications. Generally, if there is a problem with the assembly, the appropriate repair or technical treatment will be carried out. Support. However, if you choose bulk fittings to match, you may lose the manufacturer's original protection and corresponding support.

  • Industrial hose use specifications

    The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standard states in Section 6.3 of SAEJ1273, "Hoses from one manufacturer are not normally compatible with fittings from another manufacturer. Do not use hoses from both manufacturers without the consent of both manufacturers. Mix hoses and fittings together. " Two manufacturers may offer similar hoses and fittings, and they may appear close enough. But SAE guidelines are clear on this topic. The International Standards Organization (ISO) and European Standards (EN) also provide performance standards and guidelines for hose performance.

  • Rigorous industrial hose performance testing

    Performance guidelines are provided for all hose assemblies, and many manufacturers test them during the hose manufacturing and assembly process. Manufacturers' tests typically show only their hose products and their accessory products, and the hose and accessory interface is one of the most common areas of failure during testing, so matching is important.

  • The risk of improper industrial hose installation

    To determine if the cost is worth the risk, you must first understand the extent of the risk. When a hose assembly fails, hydraulic fluid can spill anywhere. For example, if a hose assembly fails on a garbage truck that collects trash on city streets, the owner of the truck will need to hire a company to clean up the spill and could face fines for the spill in the first place. The risks are different, but equally important to consider indoors. Environmental fines may not be as important, but the danger to workers certainly is. Hydraulic fluid is very hot and can lead to serious burns if a hose bursts.

  • Repeatedly testing the right industrial hoses

    Finding the perfect hose assembly requires a lot of iterative testing. Perfecting the crimp diameter is a daunting task, with a tolerance of six thousandths of an inch on the crimp diameter. When purchasing hose and fittings from a manufacturer, the company can recommend the right crimp diameter for the best connection. Many Chinese industrial hose manufacturers have begun to accelerate their own technological development to improve the reliability of the connection and to align with top international companies to enhance competitiveness.


Choose the best industrial hose manufacturer in China

Founded in 1995, Lake Hose is dedicated to the development and manufacture of hydraulic hose fittingsindustrial hosehydraulic adapter and other related products, which are widely used in mining, machinery, transportation, shipping, oilfield and other fields.

With reliable quality, reasonable price and excellent service, we have successfully built up our reputation and won customers from all over the world. Some of our major customers include Parker, Eaton, Terex, PrincessAuto, etc. Our cooperation includes OEM/ODM services, customization, etc. We will try to keep up with our work, upgrade and improve, innovate and invent so as to strengthen the partnership with our customers.

If you need to purchase industrial hoses, please visit our website where you can view our products and contact us.

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