
When Should Hydraulic Fittings be Reinstalled or Replaced


The safety and proper operation of hydraulic systems are extremely important to businesses and individuals alike. Regular maintenance of hydraulic systems can prevent problems and maximize uptime. When your maintenance involves replacing hoses or removing hydraulic fittings, it's a good idea to consider new fittings when reassembling hydraulic fittings.

However, thanks to stronger materials and advances in design and manufacturing processes, hydraulic fittings in working condition can be reused. So when is the option to reassemble and when to replace when using these reusable hydraulic fittings?


The Importance of Checking Hydraulic Hose Fittings

Hydraulic hoses are critical components of any hydraulic system, and when they fail, everything stops. Preventive maintenance of hydraulic hoses is very important and requires regular inspection intervals to catch problems before they start. This can include inspecting hose caps and fittings, as well as looking for leaks and other signs of impending hose failure. The more rigorous the hose inspection process, the more reliable your equipment will be.

Preventive maintenance is often better than reactive maintenance of hydraulic hoses and equipment. One reason is that it keeps your equipment working efficiently and efficiently by fixing problems before they fail and have a significant negative impact on the system.

Contrary to what many believe, preventive maintenance means less downtime due to unexpected component and system failures. Attention to maintenance also increases the life expectancy of equipment and maximizes its economic value, while minimizing safety hazards to personnel.

Finally, preventive maintenance reduces repair costs and unnecessary equipment purchases. Not participating in regular preventive maintenance can be an expensive decision.


Check assembly conditions

If you're reassembling a fitting, it's critical to have the proper seals. When considering reusing a fitting, thoroughly inspect the fitting for any signs of wear or damage. For the safety of your business and your workers, you must exercise caution. If you question the viability of the accessory in any way, replace it. Hydraulic fittings should be replaced if any of the following conditions occur.

  • Chipped or damaged any sealing surfaces (seats, O-ring grooves, etc.)
  • Corrosion, rust or material deterioration
  • Cracks or dents or any damage to the shape of the fitting
  • Worn or deformed threads
  • Collapse and Pore Reduction


Tapered Thread Fittings and JIC 37 Flared Fittings

Reassembly of two types of fittings is not recommended - tapered threaded fittings and JIC 37 flared fittings. 

Tapered threaded fittings are screwed into each other, sometimes with tape or glue, to create a seal. These connections rely on deformation of the sealing surfaces (threads) for sealing and are prone to wear from repeated assembly and disassembly. If the threads are excessively worn, the threads are missing, or you need multiple turns of tape or paste to seal, the fitting should be replaced.

JIC 37 Flare Fittings use tapered and flared connections for sealing. Every time the connectors are assembled together, the 37° sealing surface deforms slightly to obtain a seal. Excessive torque can cause the hole to collapse. Collapsed fittings can result in reduced fluid flow and inadequate sealing. Measure to ensure the nose has not collapsed more than 10% from its original hole diameter and the 37° sealing surface is not damaged.


Ruled O-Rings and ORFS Connections

Straight thread O-ring ports (imperial and metric) and O-ring face seal connections are designed with reassembly in mind. These connections do not rely on mechanical deformation for sealing. However, they should be carefully inspected for any damage that may have occurred during use. Air-Way does not recommend reusing O-rings, O-rings should always be replaced before reusing a fitting.


Points to reinstall

  • Hydraulic fittings must be thoroughly cleaned before reuse.

    Any dirt, fluid or debris on the fittings has the potential to enter the hydraulic system and cause damage.

  • Complete test

    As you reassemble the fitting, test your connections and observe operation to ensure a tight seal. If there is any leak, replace the fitting immediately.

  • Strictly follow the rules

    It's a best practice to replace parts regularly, but if you're using re-use parts, make sure you follow proper reassembly procedures. Never mix fittings from different manufacturers or use fittings that are "close enough". Always use the correct fittings. If the hose must be replaced due to damage or malfunction, it is best to replace the fitting as well to ensure a seal. Always follow your organization's policy on proper maintenance and equipment use, as well as the equipment manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.


If you have any questions about hydraulic hose fittings, you can contact us to communicate. Laike Hydraulics is a leading manufacturer of hydraulic hose fittings in China, providing customized hydraulic solutions for you.


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